ACS Diagnostics

ACS Diagnostics' ROI Model

How ACSD Assists You to Quality Care

ACSD Revenue Model for Mobile Cardiac Telemetry

CMS has released new CPT Codes that have changed the way physicians can bill back. ACS Diagnostics embraces these codes as a way to assist you with reimbursements. View the return on investment with the links below.

Holter vs Patch

Table reimbursements are calculated at 20 tests per month.

Patch Reimbursements ACSD Reimbursements
93224 Holter Global Code
Not Nationally Reimbursed
93225 Hook Up Only
Not Nationally Reimbursed
93226 Technical Fee
Not Nationally Reimbursed
93227 Physician Interpretation
Net Gain per Month

A Benefit to Patient and Doctor

Telehealth is a wave of the future, but also offers financial benefit. With ACS Diagnostics, we assist you in providing quality of care, while maximizing the government’s reimbursement assistance. 

ROI with ACSD's Holter

Check out how ACS Diagnostics can work for you. Financial revenue is based off of yearly quarters, with 20 tests a month.

No Data Found


Tables are calculated at 20 tests per month times the California average.

ACS Diagnostics embraces the new CPT codes as a way to assist you with reimbursements. This model is based off of remote medicine, at twenty tests per month, based on the California average.

24/48 Hr Holter Monitoring

External Electrocardiographic recording up to 48 hours by continuous rhythm recording storage.

Reimbursement Description
93224 (Global Code)
93225 (Hook Up Fee)
93226 (Technical Analysis)
93227 (Physician Interpretation)
Net Total per Test
20 Avg. Tests per Month
Avg. Revenue Per Year

3-7 Day Monitoring

External electrocardiographic recording more than 48 hours up to 7 days by continuous rhythm recording and storage.

Reimbursement Description
93241 (Global Code)
93242 (Hook Up Fee)
93243 (Technical Analysis)
93244 (Physician Interpretation)
24 Hour Lab Coverage Not Required
Net Total per Test
20 Avg. Tests per Month
Avg. Revenue Per Year

8-14 Day Monitoring

External electrocardiographic recording for more than 7 days up to 15 days by continuous rhythm recording and storage.

Reimbursement Description
93245 (Global Code)
93246 (Hook Up Fee)
93247 (Technical Analysis)
93248 (Physician Interpretation)
24 Hour Lab Coverage Not Required
Net Total per Test
20 Avg. Tests per Month
Avg. Revenue Per Year

Event Monitoring

External patient and, when performed auto activated electrocardiographic rhythm derived event recording with symptom-related memory loop with remote download capability up to 30 days, 24-hour attended monitoring.

Reimbursement Description
93268 (Global Code)
93270 (Hook Up Fee)
93271 (Technical Analysis)
93272 (Physician Interpretation)
24 Hour Lab Coverage
Net Total per Test
20 Avg. Tests per Month
Avg. Revenue Per Year

MCT Monitoring

External mobile cardiovascular telemetry with electrocardiographic recording, concurrent computerized real time data analysis and great than 24 hour of accessible ECG data storage (retrievable with query) with ecg triggered and patient selected events transmitted to a remote attended surveillance center for up to 30 days.

Reimbursement Description
Global Code
Hook Up Fee
93229 (Technical Analysis)
93228 (Physician Interpretation)
24 Hour Lab Coverage
Net Total per Test
20 Avg. Tests per Month
Avg. Revenue Per Year

*Prices above reflect the California average. Prices may increase or decrease based on your state. Be sure to check for accurate pricing for your location.